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Publikationen 2020 - 2024


Wissenschaftliche Artikel

    • Ferstl, Evelyn: Neuroscience as a window into discourse processing: the influence of Walter Kintsch. In: Discourse processes, 61, 6-7, 359-363.2024. 🔗
    • Gössling, Stefan; Kees, Jessica; Hologa, Rafael et al.: Children’s safe routes to school: real and perceived risks, and evidence of an incapacity-incapability space. In: Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research, 100019.2024. 🔗
    • McNamara, Danielle S.; Ferstl, Evelyn C.; Foltz, Peter W. et al.: Introduction: special issue in honor of Walter Kintsch. In: Discourse processes, 61, 6-7, 281-284.2024. 🔗
    • Beck, Judith; Konieczny, Lars: What a difference a syllable makes - rhythmic reading of poetry. In: Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1043651.2023. 🔗
    • Zacharski, Lisa; Ferstl, Evelyn: Gendered representations of person referents activated by the nonbinary gender star in German: a word-picture matching task. In: Discourse processes, 60, 4-5, 294-319.2023. 🔗
    • Bröder, Hannah-Charlotte; Meuleneers, Paul; Zacharski, Lisa: Neue Forschungen zur Genderlinguistik – Genderbewusste Sprache in Diskurs, Grammatik und Kognition : Tagungsbericht zur Auftakttagung des DFG-Projekts „Genderbezogene Praktiken bei Personenreferenzen“ am 18. und 19.02.2022. In: Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, 50, 3, 548-556.2022. 🔗
    • Israel, Laura; Konieczny, Lars; Ferstl, Evelyn C.: Cognitive and affective aspects of verbal humor: a visual-world eye-tracking study. In: Frontiers in communication, 6, 758173.2022. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von; Binnig, Nora: How safe do you feel? - A large-scale survey concerning the subjective safety associated with different kinds of cycling lanes. In: Accident analysis & prevention, 167, 106577.2022. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von; Findler, Franziska; Brand, Daniel: Census-based variables are informative about subjective neighborhood relations, but only when adjusted for residents’ neighborhood conceptions. In: Sustainability, 14, 8, 4434.2022. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von; Hologa, Rafael; Riach, Nils: Cars overtaking cyclists on different urban road types – Expectations about passing safety are not aligned with observed passing distances. In: Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour, 89, 334-346.2022. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von; Petinaud, Chayenne; Lißner, Sven: Crash risk and subjective risk perception during urban cycling: Accounting for cycling volume. In: Accident analysis & prevention, 164, 106470.2022. 🔗
    • Albrecht, Rebecca; Stülpnagel, Rul von: Taking the right (or left?) turn: effects of landmark salience on the retrieval of route directions. In: Spatial cognition and computation, 21, 4, 290-319.2021. 🔗
    • Beck, Judith; Konieczny, Lars: Rhythmic subvocalization: an eye-tracking study on silent poetry reading. In: Journal of eye movement research, 13, 3, 5.2021. 🔗
    • Ferstl, Evelyn C.: Context in language comprehension. In: The psychology of learning and motivation, 37-77.2021. 🔗
    • Hanulikova, Adriana; Ferstl, Evelyn; Blumenthal-Dramé, Alice Julie: Language comprehension across the life span: Introduction to the special section. In: International journal of behavioral development, 45, 5, 379-381.2021. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von: Gaze behavior during urban cycling: Effects of subjective risk perception and vista space properties. In: Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour, 75, 222-238.2020. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von; Lucas, Jonas: Crash risk and subjective risk perception during urban cycling: Evidence for congruent and incongruent sources. In: Accident analysis & prevention, 142, 105584.2020. 🔗
    • Levy, Helena; Konieczny, Lars; Hanulikova, Adriana: Processing of unfamiliar accents in monolingual and bilingual children: effects of type and amount of accent experience. In: Journal of child language, 46, 2, 368-392.2019. 🔗
    • Limberger, Bernardo K.; Azevedo, Aline Fay; Ferstl, Evelyn et al.: Phonemic awareness in an oral German-origin Brazilian language: a study of Hunsrückisch and German bilinguals. In: Ilha do desterro : a journal of English language, literatures in English and cultural studies, 72, 3, 427-445.2019. 🔗
    • Müller-Feldmeth, Daniel Georg; Ahnefeld, Katharina; Hanulikova, Adriana: Processing gender stereotypes in dementia and healthy older adults: a self-paced reading study. In: Linguistics vanguard, 5, 2.2019. 🔗
    • Schmitt, Julia M.; Auer, Peter; Ferstl, Evelyn: Understanding fairy tales spoken in dialect: an fMRI study. In: Language, cognition and neuroscience, 34, 4, 440-456.2019. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von; Brand, Daniel; Seemann, Ann-Kathrin: Your neighbourhood is not a circle, and you are not its centre. In: Journal of environmental psychology, 66, 101349.2019. 🔗
    • Stülpnagel, Rul von; Schmid, Konstantin: Risk perception during urban cycling in volunteered geographic information and in the lab: effects of the vista space’s spatial properties. In: Journal of location based services, 13, 1, 1-24.2019. 🔗



    • Zacharski, Lisa; Ferstl, Evelyn: Sprache und Kognition: Der Beitrag psycholinguistischer Experimente zur Debatte über gendersensible Sprache. In: Andrea-Eva Ewels & Damaris Nübling: Geschlechterbewusste Sprache: Argumente, Positionen, Perspektiven. Georg Olms, Baden-Baden, 39-58.2024. 🔗
    • Ferstl, Evelyn C.: Psycho- und neurolinguistische Forschung zu maskulinen Personenbezeichnungen. In: Sandra Beaufays, Jeremia Herrmann, Beate Kortendiek (Hrsg.): Geschlechterinklusive Sprache an Hochschulen fördern: Handreichung. Essen, 34-38.2022. 🔗
    • Rosemeyer, Malte; Jacob, Daniel; Konieczny, Lars: How alternatives are created : specialized background knowledge affects the interpretation of clefts in discourse. In: Linguistik aktuell / Linguistics today, 273, 115-146.2022. 🔗
    • Hemforth, Barbara; Konieczny, Lars: All linguists did not go to the workshop; none of the Germans but some of the French did: The role of alternative constructions for quantifier scope. In: Katy Carlson (Hrsg., u.a.): Grammatical approaches to language processing : essays in honor of Lyn Frazier. Springer International Publishing, Boston, 2019. 🔗


Veröffentlichungen zu Konferenzen und Ausstellungen

    • Hemforth, Barbara; Konieczny, Lars (2019): Alternative constructions and scope ambiguities: What counts as an alternative?. 🔗
    • Kirsch, Simon; Konieczny, Lars (2019): The psychological Reality of Construction Grammar: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study investigating the semantic Processing of Argument Structure. (Tagung: Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boulder, CO, Univ. of Boulder) 🔗
    • Müller, Hanno; Konieczny, Lars (2019): The Effect of Context on Local Syntactic Coherence Processing. (Tagung: Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boulder, CO, Univ. of Boulder) 🔗
    • Müller, Julia; Haser, Verena; Konieczny, Lars (2019): The Impact of Stereotypes and Noun Endings on Processing Gender in English: Comparing Native and Non-Native Performance. (Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational perspectives (DETEC) 2019, ZAS, Berlin 🔗


Zeitschriften, Bände und Hefte

  • McNamara, Danielle S.; Ferstl, Evelyn; Foltz, Peter W. et al.: Special Issue in Honor of Walter Kintsch. In: Discourse Processes, 61, 6-7.2024.