Sie sind hier: Startseite Lectures Summer 2015 Hauptseminar: Processing language …

Hauptseminar: Processing language in context


Prof. Dr. Lars Konieczny

Dr. Verena Haser



Zeit: Do 10-12 Uhr c.t.

Ort: HS 1032 (KG I)

Beginn: 8. 5. 2014






This seminar will be taught jointly with Dr. Verena Haser (English Department). The course addresses basic psycholinguistic issues concerning how we process language in context. Questions that figure importantly include the following (among others): What exactly is the role of context in the comprehension and production of language? What kinds of processes are involved in the comprehension of highly context-dependent types of language (including non-literal utterances)? Are there special processes at work in dialogue? We will also discuss the role played by various types of inferences for understanding discourse. 


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