Forschungsseminar: Raumkognition
Dozent: Dr. Rul von Stülpnagel
Zeit: Freitag, 8-10h
Ort: IIG, Seminarraum im 2. OG
Raum-Nr.: 02009
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Zeitplan (Änderungen vorbehalten!)
Datum | Thema (Referenten) |
22.10. | Vorstellung von Inhalten, Aufbau und Ziel des Seminars |
DO, 31.10., 14-16 | Kolloquiumsvortrag: Florian Roeser (Uni Gießen) - Der Einfluss der strukturellen Salienz auf das Wegfinden mit Landmarken |
Do, 07.11., 18-20h | Aktive Navigation (Sascha & Kai) |
Do, 14.11., 18-20h | Entscheidungkontrolle (Rul) |
Do, 21.11., 18-20h | Zielspezifität (Thorsten & Jonathan) |
Do, 28.11., 18-20h | Intention (Maria & Aljoscha) |
DO, 5.12., 14-16h | Kolloquiumsvortrag: Dr. Victor Schinazi (ETH Zürich, Schweiz) - Neural correlates of human spatial navigation |
Do, 12.12., 18-20h | Der Einfluss aktiver & passiver Navigation auf das räumliche Gedächtnis von Fahrern & Beifahrern (Rul) |
Do, 19.12., 18-20h | t.b.a. (Rul) |
Do, 09.01., 18-20h | Modalitätsunterschiede (Carina & Markus F.) |
Do, 16.01., 18-20h | Geschlechterunterschiede (Flora & Lena) |
DO, 23.1., 14-16 | Kolloquiumsvortrag: Dr. Rui Li (Uni Münster) |
Do, 30.01., 18-20h | Beschilderung (Markus L. & Saskia) Teil 1 & Teil 2 |
Do, 06.02., 18-20h | Virtueller und realer Raum (Rene & Robert) |
Do, 13.02., 18-20h | Space Syntax: Wie Raumstruktur Orientierung und Navigation beeinflusst (Rul) |
Hinweis: Evtl. müssen sie sich abmelden (unten rechts auf der Seite) um auf die Materialien zugreifen zu können.
Literatur, sortiert nach Themen (gute Einführungstexte sind fett markiert)
Aktive Navigation, die Anfänge:
- Appleyard, D. (1970). Styles and methods of structuring a city. Environment and Behavior, 2, 100–116.
- Peruch, P., Vercher, J.-L., & Gauthier, G. M. (1995). Acquisition of spatial knowledge through visual exploration of simulated environments. Ecological Psychology, 7(1), 1–20.
- Peruch, P., & Wilson, P. N. (2004). Active versus passive learning and testing in a complex outside built environment. Cognitive Processing, 5, 218–227.
- Wilson, P. N. (1999). Active exploration of a virtual environment does not promote orientation or memory for objects. Environment and Behavior, 31, 752–763.
- Wilson, P. N., Foreman, N., Gillett, R., & Stanton, D. (1997). Active versus passive processing of spatial information in a computer imulated environment. Ecological Psychology, 9(3), 207–222.
- Bakdash, J. Z., Linkenauger, S. A., & Proffitt, D. (2008). Comparing decision-making and control for learning a virtual environment: Backseat drivers learn where they are going. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
- Carassa, A., Geminiani, G., Morganti, F., & Varotto, S. (2002). Active and passive spatial learning in a complex environment: The effect of efficient exploration. Cognitive Processing, 4, 65–81.
- Farrell, M. J., Arnold, P., Pettifer, S., Adams, J., Graham, T., & MacManamon, M. (2003). Transfer of route learning from virtual to real environments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 9(4), 219–227.
- Fields, A. W., & Shelton, A. L. (2006). Individual skill differences and large-scale environmental learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32(3), 506–515.
- Rossano, M. J., & Reardon, W. P. (1999). Goal specificity and the acquisition of survey knowledge. Environment and Behavior, 31, 395–412.
- Shelton, A. L., & McNamara, T. P. (2004). Orientation and perspective dependence in route and survey learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 30(1), 158–170.
- Taylor, H. A., Naylor, S. J., & Chechile, N. A. (1999). Goal-specific influences on the representation of spatial perspective. Memory & Cognition, 27(2), 309–319.
- Dayan, A., & Thomas, J. R. (1994). Intention to remember spatial location in movement: developmental considerations. Human Performance, 7(1), 37–53.
- Magliano, J. P., Cohen, R., Allen, G. L., & Rodrigue, J. R. (1995). The impact of wayfinder’s goals on learning a new environment: Different types of spatial knowledge as goals. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 15, 65–75.
- van Asselen, M., Fritschy, E., & Postma, A. (2006). The influence of intentional and incidental learning on acquiring spatial knowledge during navigation. Psychological Research, 70, 151–156.
- Münzer, S., Zimmer, H. D., Schwalm, M., Baus, J., & Aslan, I. (2006). Computer-assisted navigation and the acquisition of route and survey knowledge. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26, 300–308.
- Willis, K. S., Hölscher, C., Wilbertz, G., & Li, C. (2009). A comparison of spatial knowledge acquisition with maps and mobile maps. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 33, 100–110.
- Bosco, A., Longoni, A. M., & Vecchi, T. (2004). Gender effects in spatial orientation: cognitive profiles and mental strategies. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 18, 519–532.
- Coluccia, E., & Louse, G. (2004). Gender differences in spatial orientation: A review. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(3), 329–340.
- Iachini, T., Ruotolo, F., & Ruggiero, G. (2009). The effects of familiarity and gender of spatial representation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, 227–234.
Individuelle Unterschiede:
- Pazzaglia, F., & De Beni, R. (2001). Strategies of processing spatialinformation in survey and landmark-centred individuals. EuropeanJournal of Cognitive Psychology, 13(4), 493–508.
- Waller, D. (2000). Individual differences in spatial learning fromcomputer-simulated environments. Journal of ExperimentalPsychology: Applied, 6(4), 307–321.
- Brooks, B. M., Attree, E. A., Rose, F. D., Clifford, B. R., & Leadbetter, A. G. (1999). The specificity of memory enhancement during interaction with a virtual environment. Memory, 7(1), 65–78.
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