Dr. Imke Franzmeier
Personal Homepage
![]() | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (scientific researcher)
e-mail: Imke.Franzmeier -at- cognition.uni-freiburg.de room: 03016
| Center for Cognitive Science Friedrichstr. 50 D-79098 Freiburg, Germany |
Research interests
- Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience
- Neurolinguistics
- Neuropsychological foundations of language understanding
- Reasoning and Decision Making
- Complex Cognition
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), neuroimaging (fMRI), Eyetracking
Curriculum Vitae
- since June 2013: scientific researcher (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) in the research group of Marco Ragni
- July 2013: Dr. phil, Cognitive Science;
Title "Neurowissenschaftliche Studien zur semantischen Verarbeitung im Satzkontex" - Jan. 2011 - July 2013: PhD student, University of Freiburg, Centre for Cognitive Science
(Supervised by Prof. Dr. Evelyn Ferstl) - 2010 - 2013: graduate scholarship of the Ev. Studienwerk e.V. Villigst
- Oct. 2009 - Dec. 2010: Doctoral researcher, School of Psychology, University of Sussex, England
- Oct. 2005 - March 2009: Bachelor of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
(focus: Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology) - WS 2007/ 2008 Semester abroad and research project at the University of Sussex, England
- Franzmeier, I., Hutton, S. & Ferstl, E. (2012). The role of the temporal lobe in contextual sentence integration: A single pulse TMS study. Cognitive Neuroscience, 3 (1), 1-7. doi: 10.1080/17588928.2011.556248.
- Franzmeier, I., Hutton, S. & Ferstl. E.C. (2011). Introducing combined TMS and eyetracking into neurolinguistic research: An exploratory approach to semantic processing. Embodied & Situated Language processing 2011 (EPSL 2011). Bielefeld, Germany, August 2011.
- Franzmeier, I. & Ferstl. E.C. (2011). Effect of positive and negative mood on the hemispheric involvement in semantic processing. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D). Poitier, France, July 2011.
- Franzmeier, I. & Ferstl. E.C. (2010). Using TMS to explore role of the cerebral hemispheres in contextual sentence integration. Workshop of the PsychoLinguistics in the South East (PsyLingSE). London, UK, March 2010
Poster presentations
- Franzmeier, I., Reis, J. & Ferstl, E. C. (2012). Exploring sentence understanding with TMS. Society for the Neurobiology of Language (www.neurolang.org/). San Sebastian, Spain, October 2012.
- Franzmeier, I., Reis, J. & Ferstl, E. C. (2012). Cortical background of sentence understanding - a single pulse TMS study. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP). Mannheim, Germany. April 2012.
- Franzmeier, I., Hutton, S. & Ferstl, E.C. (2011). Exploratory approach to semantic processing during reading: Introducing combined TMS and Eyetracking into neurolinguistic research. Spring meeting of the British Neuropsychological Society (BNS). London, UK, March 2011.
- Franzmeier, I. & Ferstl, E.C. (2010). Prozesse der kontextuellen Satzintegration in der linken und rechten Hemisphäre? Eine TMS Studie. 10. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung (GAB). Münster, Germany, November 2010.
- Franzmeier, I. & Ferstl, E.C. (2010). Investigations in contextual sentence integration and the role of the cerebral hemispheres - A single pulse TMS study. Annual Meeting of the British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN). Bristol, UK, September 2010.
Academic activities
Workshop "TMS & Language", Freiburg, October 2012, (Organisation and research presentation).
Sachmittelstipendium für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen der Herman Paul School of Language Sciences (2011).
Postgraduate Travel Bursary of the British Neuropsychological Society, Spring 2011.
- Member of the Hermann Paul School of Language Sciences
- Member of the Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft
- Highly commended poster prize 2010. Awarded by the British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience: Franzmeier, I. & Ferstl. E.C. (2010). Investigations in contextual sentence integration and the role of the cerebral hemispheres - A single pulse TMS study. September 2010.
- ERASMUS-Scholarship (Praktikumsstipendium des EU-Bildungsprogramms LLP für Forschungsaufenthalte im europäischen Ausland, 2008)
- Summer term 2012 - Neurolinguistische Aspekte der Mehrsprachigkeit (Neurolinguistic aspects of multilingualism)
- Winter term 2011/12 - Einführung in die kognitive Neurowissenschaft (Introduction to cognitive neuroscience)
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