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Anne Karina Feldmeth, M.A.

Personal Homepage




Ph.D. candidate

room:  03-012
phone: +49 761 203 4940
fax: +49 761 203 4938
e-mail: anne.karina"at"



Center for Cognitive Science
Departement of Psychology

University of Freiburg

Hebelstraße 10

D-79104 Freiburg, Germany


Currently I am funded by the Hermann Paul School of Linguistics within the "Promotionskolleg Empirische Linguistik (PEL)". Find a short discription of my PhD project "Identifikation und Perspektivnahme im Aufbau von Situationsmodellen: Eine Untersuchung körperlich verankerter Repräsentationen beim Sprachverstehen" on my  HPSL homepage. 


Research interests

  • Psycholinguistics
  • Embodied Cognition
  • Embodied Language Processing
  • Ecological Psychology
  • Eyetracking
  • Mental Models
  • Gender Studies
  • Stressmanagement in Sports



since November 2012: PhD student, University of Freiburg, Center for Cognitive Science (supervised by PD Dr. Lars Konieczny)

  • since July 2018: Project collaborator, University of Freiburg, Campus Management
  • Nov 2016 - Dec 2017: Research assistant, University of Freiburg, Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools
  • Feb 2017 - Nov 2017: Teaching & Training Coordinator, University of Freiburg, Bernstein Center Freiburg
  • May 2011 - Dec 2012: Research assistant, University of Basel, Sport Science, EPHECT (ESK)
  • Mar 2011 - Apr 2011: Research assistant, University of Freiburg, Sociology "Empirical Gender Studies"
  • Oct 2008 - Apr 2011: Research assistant, University of Freiburg, Cognitive Science, ELoC (DFG: KO1932/3-1)
  • June 2010: Magister Artium (M.A.), University of Freiburg
  • Oct 2004 - Jun 2010: Studies of Sport Science, Cognitive Science, Gender Studies and Civil Law, University of Freiburg


  • Member of the  Hermann Paul School of Linguistics
  • Collaboration in Projects:
    • Embodied anaphora resolution and the pointing action sentence compatibility effect
    • ELoC (Empirical Analysis of Local Syntactic Coherences)
  • Additional Qualifications:
    • Professional Negotiations (University of Freiburg, 2016)
    • International Project Managament (University of Freiburg, 2016)
    • Potential anaylsis and Coaching (University of Freiburg, 2016)
    • Communication strategies and Training (University of Freiburg, 2015)
    • Unipark for academic research. Unipark Community Meeting (University of Freiburg, 2015)
    • Reproducible Research in R (University of Freiburg, 2015)
    • SMI Eye Tracking Roadshow (University of Freiburg, 2014)
    • Statistics for Linguists: a practical introduction with R (University of Marburg, 2014).
    • Writing Abstracts (University of Freiburg, 2013).
    • Presenting Your Research in English (University of Freiburg, 2013)
    • Linguistic Data Analysis with R: Models and Visualizations (University of Freiburg, 2013)
    • Producing and sharing knowledge in the world of sport - Research methods and publishing strategies for PhD students in sport psychology and neighboring disciplines (University of Copenhagen, 2012)
    • Qualitative Research Methods (University of Basel, 2012)
    • Introduction to Methodological Issues of Questionnaires (Research Association for Rehabilitation Science Freiburg / Bad Saeckingen, 2012)
    • Research in Applied Sport Psychology (University of Copenhagen, 2011)
  • Computer Skills:
    • Text and Layout: LaTeX; MS Office; iWork; Adobe InDesign; Adobe Photoshop
    • Content Management Systems: Zope/Plone, TYPO3
    • Online Learning Platform: ILIAS
    • Statistics and Programming: R; SPSS; HTML; LISP
    • Other: Audacity; EFS Survey (Unipark); SR Research Experiment Builder; SR Research EyeLink II & EyeLink 1000


Acquisition of Third Party Funds:

  • Doctoral Scholarship (2012-2017), Promotionskolleg Empirische Linguistik, Hermann Paul School of Linguistics Basel – Freiburg
  • Research Grant (2013-2015), Hermann Paul School of Linguistics Basel – Freiburg
  • Travel Grant (2013, 2016), International Graduate School, University of Freiburg
  • EPHECT II Stressmanagement in Physical Education: a training programme (2012), University of Basel (Dr. Markus Gerber) Health Promotion Switzerland, 27.107 CHF (IP 18.15)



Journal articles:

  • Lang, C., Feldmeth, A.K., Brand, S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U., Gerber, M. (2016). Effects of a Physical Education based Coping Training on Adolescents’ Coping Skills, Stress Perceptions and Quality of Sleep. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, doi: 10.1080/17408989.2016.1176130.
  • Lang, C., Feldmeth, A.K., Brand, S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U., Gerber, M. (2016) Stress management in physical education class: An experiential approach to improve coping skills and reduce stress perceptions in adolescents. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35, 149-158.
  • Gerber, M., Feldmeth, A.K., Lang, C., Brand, S., Elliot, C., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U. (2015) The relationship between mental toughness, stress and burnout among adolescents: A longitudinal study with Swiss vocational students. Psychological Reports, 117, 703-723.
  • Gerber, M., Lang, C., Feldmeth, A.K., Elliot, C., Brand, S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U. (2015) Burnout and Mental Health in Swiss Vocational Students: The Moderating Role of Physical Activity. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25, 63-74.
  • Lang, C., Brand, S., Feldmeth, A.K., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U., Gerber, M. (2013) Increased self-reported and objectively assessed physical activity predict sleep quality among ado- lescents. Physiology and Behavior, 120, 46-53.
  • Gerber, M., Brand, S., Feldmeth, A.K., Lang, C., Elliot, C., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U. (2013) Adolescents With High Mental Toughness Adapt Better to Perceived Stress: A Longitudinal Study With Swiss Vocational Students. Personality & Individual Differences, 54, 808-814. 
  • Feldmeth, A.K. & Leyener, Sara (2012) Nachrichten aus der asp - Producing and sharing knowledge in the world of sports. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 20, 77-78.
  • Pühse, U., Barker, D., Brettschneider, W.-D., Feldmeth, A. K., Gerlach, E., McCuaig, L., McKenzie, Th., Gerber, M. (2011) International approaches to health-oriented physical education: Local health debates and differing conceptions of health. International Journal of Physical Education, 3, 2-15.


Conference contributions:

  • Feldmeth, A. K., Konieczny, L. (2016). Back and forth - Evidence for embodied sentence processing: the Action-Sentence Compatibility Effect across different sentence types and tasks. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP). Bilbao, Spain. (Poster presentation)
  • Feldmeth, A. K., Konieczny, L. (2015). Who am I in my mental model? – Matching gender of pronouns and participants influences perspective taking. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP). Lyon, Frankreich. (Poster presentation)
  • Lang, C., Brand, S., Feldmeth, A. K., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U., Gerber, M. (2015). The mediating role of coping skills on effects of a coping training in physical education class on adolescents’ stress perception. In 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology. Bern, Schweiz. (Poster presentation)
  • Feldmeth, A. K., Müller-Feldmeth, D., Wolfer, S., Konieczny, L. (2013). Identification depends on individual characteristics: A new perspective on perspective in simulated actions. In O. Lindemann, C. Gianelli, M. H. Fischer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP). Potsdam.(Poster presentation)
  • Lang, C., Feldmeth, A. K., Brand, S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U., Gerber, M. (2013). The Effects of a Physical education based stress management program on perceived stress and coping skills among adolescents attending vocational schools. In Proceedings of the AIESEP - Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physique. Warsaw, Poland. (Poster presentation, poster award)
  • Lang, C., Brand, S., Feldmeth, A. K., Pühse, U.,Holsboer- Trachsler, E., Gerber, M. (2013). Effekte eines Schulsport ba- sierten Stressmanagement Trainings auf die Stresswahrnehmung und Bewältigungskompetenzen. In Proceedings of the 26th Conference of the dvs-Section Sportpedagogy. Hamburg. (Talk, held by Christin Lang)
  • Feldmeth, A. K., Lang, C., Brand, S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U., Gerber, M. (2012). EPHECT: Evaluation of a physical education based stress management program’s effects on psychosocial well-being. In Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the dvs-Section Sportpedagogy. Magglingen, Switzerland. (Poster presentation)
  • Lang, C., Feldmeth, A. K., Brand, S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Pühse, U., Gerber, M. (2012). Physical Education promotes your sleep. In Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the dvs-Section Sportpedagogy. Magglingen, Switzerland. (Poster presentation)
  • Pühse, U., Barker, D., Brettschneider, W.-D., Feldmeth, A. K., Gerlach, E., McCuaig, L., McKenzie, Th., Gerber, M. (2012) International approaches to health-oriented physical education: Local health debates and differing conceptions of health. In Proceedings of the International Congress "Health and Physical education: One pretext, diverse realities". Strasbourg, France. (Talk)
  • Gerber, M., Lang, C., Feldmeth, A. K., Brand, S., Holsboer- Trachsler, E., Pühse, U. (2012). Mental toughness and resilient adaption among adolescents. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Sport Science Organisation of Switzerland. Magglingen, Switzerland. (Poster presentation)
  • Konieczny, L., Weldle, H., Wolfer, S., Müller, D., Baumann, P., Feldmeth, A. K., Kühner, D. (2009). Local syntactic coherences interfere with on-line anaphora resolution. In Proceedings of the 15th annual conference architectures and mechanisms for language processing. Barcelona, Spain. (Poster presentation)
  • Weldle, H., Konieczny, L., Baumann, P., Wolfer, S., Müller, D., Feldmeth, A. K., Kühner, D., Teske, M. (2009). Local syntactic coherences interfere with anaphora resolution. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Eye Movements. Southampton, United Kingdom. (Talk, held by Helmut Weldle)



  • Feldmeth, A.K. (2013): Gender Differences in Exercise and Health. Talk at the Continued Education Program “Exercise for the Elderly“, University of Basel, Oktober 2013
  • Feldmeth, A.K. (2012): Mental health and physical education. How can health be implemented? Effects of a Physical Education based Coping Training. Talk at the PhD Course Producing and sharing knowledge in the world of sport, University of Copenhagen, November 2012
  • Feldmeth, A.K. (2012): International approaches to health-oriented physical education: Local health debates and differing conceptions of health. Talk at the Colloque Santé et EPS: un prétexte, des réalités, University of Strasbourg, March 2012
  • Feldmeth, A.K. (2011): How can health be implemented? Exemplified by a physical education based stress management program on perceived stress, coping strategies and psychological well-being among adolescents attending vocational schools. Talk at the PhD Course Applied Sport Psychology, University of Copenhagen, November 2011


  • Summer term 2014
    • German Linguistics Seminar, Freiburg: Linguistic Research Methods - Statistics for Master Students (Lecture)
  • Winter term 2013/14
    • Center for Cognitive Science, Freiburg: Embodiment (Seminar)
  • Autumn term 2012
    • Department of Social Science and Sport Pedagogy, Basel: Sports and Gender (Lecture)
    • Institute of Exercise and Health Sciences, Basel: Master thesis "Physical activity and stress management in vocational students - data within the EPHECT- follow-up-study" (Advisor and Reviewer)
  • Spring term 2012
    • College of Education Basel: EPHECT: theoretical and didactical approaches to a physical education based stress management training (Lecture)
    • Department of Social Science and Sport Pedagogy, Basel: Stress management in physical education (Lectures)
    • Department of Sport Medicine, Basel: Epidemiology of burnout and stress associated diseases: Prevention approach (Lecture and Seminar)
  • Autumn term 2011
    • Department of Social Science and Sport Pedagogy, Basel: Sports and Gender (Lecture)
  • Winter terms 2007/08 and 2008/09
    • Center for Cognitive Science: Formal Methods and Programming (Teaching Assistant)