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Diversity & Equity Award 2024 der Society of Text and Discourse geht an Lisa Zacharski

Die Society of Text and Discourse ( verleiht den diesjährigen Diversity and Equity Travel Award (DETA) an Lisa Zacharski.  Der Preis ist mit $2.500 dotiert und zeichnet aus:  "... high-quality scholarly contributions that both represent and advance the authentic diversity of the Society."

Den prämierten Beitrag (Abstract s.u.) wird Lisa im Juli bei der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft in Chicago vorstellen.
Das Programm der Tagung findet sich hier:

Lisa Zacharski, Tim Sudermann, Sarah Kapp and Evelyn C. Ferstl
Does the use of non-orthographic gender-fair forms impair the readability of texts? Insights from an eye-tracking study

ABSTRACT. The gender star has gained popularity as a nonbinary gender form in German. However, its opponents claim that its non-orthographic form impairs readability. We conducted an eye-tracking study to test how gender form (star vs. binary capital-I vs. masculine) influences the readability, comprehensibility, and memory of newspaper articles. Participants needed significantly longer to correctly answer comprehension questions after star form texts (vs. capital-I). A fine-grained analysis of eye-movement patterns will be presented at the conference.