Nächste Woche MI, 27.11., im (Online) KW Abteilungskolloquium - Dr. Liz Finnigan (Southern Regional College, UK): Cognitive Spaces: A Literary Perspective
Nächste Woche MI, 27.11., im (Online) KW Abteilungskolloquium - Dr. Liz Finnigan (Southern Regional College, UK): Cognitive Spaces: A Literary Perspective
Zeit: 14:15-15:45
Ort: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/69965024181?pwd=MnROeHQ4TUlaZUxrYnpsTXVtc0lwZz09
This paper reveals the presence of consistent patterns in therepresentation of space in literature. Examining and illustrating threecategories of spatial representation: a)Landscapes b) Indoors c) The Body through a selection of Victorian, Modernistand Postmodernist novels, it will demonstrate that landscapes are representedin a systematic pattern of proximal to distal features, indoor spaces alternatebetween the centres and edges of rooms and bodily descriptions always beginwith the shape of a character’s physical outline. Finally, this paper willoffer a cognitive model of explanation that reveals that these patterns are notculturally driven but stem from relationships between our perceptual, memoryand language systems.